
DB was born in Beautiful British Columbia Canada. As a young teen he moved to the Los Angeles area with his single mother and her boy friend. Life was difficult in California and infuenced his perception on the cruel nature of many people he experienced in his early years. In the heart of the city’s grimiest neighborhood, young DB learned the harsh realities of life all too soon. Abandoned rooms became his canvases, as he painted over the pain of his past with strokes of color and imagination.

The pain of his childhood manifested in different ways. At the canvas, it translated into otherworldly masterpieces; at local bars, it turned into fierce confrontations. But at the bottom of a bottle, he sought fleeting solace, a way to escape the tormenting memories.

One fateful night, intoxicated and stumbling back home, DB witnessed something inexplicable: a shimmering, airborne object that didn't belong to this world. The sight sobered him up instantly. Intrigued and looking for a purpose, he became obsessed with the idea of extraterrestrial life, intertwining his trauma, art, and newfound passion.

DB's art began to feature mysterious beings and cosmic landscapes, drawing attention from both art enthusiasts and those intrigued by the unknown. But his interest wasn't purely artistic; he started gathering evidence, researching, and connecting dots. Soon, the artist and fighter turned into an alien hunter, committed to uncovering the truth about extraterrestrial life.

Rumors spread that he had made contact, leading to a large following of believers, skeptics, and everyone in between. While many mocked him, his dedication was unwavering. For DB, the pursuit of aliens became a symbol of hope, an external manifestation of his internal desire to find meaning in a world that had shown him its worst.

Balancing his roles, DB’s life was a cocktail of passion-fueled art exhibitions, barroom brawls, and midnight stakeouts in desolate fields. His days were a blend of paint, punches, and space probes.

In his later years, amidst his paintings and collected 'evidence', DB wrote memoirs throgh art recounting his tumultuous journey. To many, it was a tale of resilience, ambition, and the undying human spirit to seek answers, whether on a canvas, in a bar, or amongst the stars. And to the rest of the world ? just another self absorbed idiot….

Immediately upon first glance, one can see that DB is an artist; One with no limitations, especially regarding media or perception.  Whether it is through your eyes, ears, or touch, DB creates art that is completely original and captivating.  His works provocatively prick the core of each human emotion as his works are looked upon, listened to, or held in one's hands.  To those who appreciate raw and honest art, you will find or you won’t !

Mike Takeda

Honolulu HI

I have know him since we were in our 20’s .. he was a total asshole and his art sucked. He should paint houses instead ! JK

Steve Yagn

Corona CA.

I will never forget meeting him when I was 13 yrs old ( he was 19) in British Columbia,CA.   

He was wild then, beating his way to the top of  a  fight circuit and raising a young family .

I am flattered we stayed In contact for these 30 years … and I  have watched his art develop.

It is even darker than watching him fight.    

Amazing on every level.

Haley Ketch

Duncan B.C

I have known David since the early 80s. Always has been an upstanding guy that I could count on if I ever needed anything. One of the few people I am glad to have met in this life. Intelligent, kind hearted and super talented. I am proud to call him a friend.

Danny Bills

Fayetteville AR